I'll be going back and forth from this series to the other, namely "Not In The Bible?," for the sake of changing pace and to be sure I don't get burnt out. Any of you who have had to carry a ministry, business or activity on your shoulders for a time know that getting burnt out is easy to do if the proper precautions are not taken.
As a result, this series will be different quotes from varying sources which inspire thoughts from others. These quotes are about God; about Heaven; about life in general; and other topics as well. Each have inspired me to think long and sometimes hard about the way I view certain aspects of my life and my faith.
Very often, these quotes cause me to ask questions, and never let it be said that questions are a bad thing to have. Even questioning God is not a sin, contrary to what some may teach- Only questioning Him out of fear, doubt, unbelief or a prideful attitude is; even then, it is not the question that is sinful, but the attitude from which it springs.
So get ready, folks- This series will be a lot of fun!
EDIT: Apologies to everyone. Shortly after writing this, I injured my back to the degree that even sitting up in bed to work on the laptop was painful. As a result, I'm afraid I have lapsed once more in my duties to this blog. The good news, however, is that I have a new post ready to go, and it will be geared towards fathers, in relation to Father's Day.
I hope you will join me, and may God continue to bless you daily!