Saturday, April 21, 2012

Not In The Bible? - An explanation

Recently, I was asked by a few individuals why I am doing this series.  One person mistakenly thought it to be an attempt at apologetics, while another thought it to be a challenge to enemies of the Gospel to come up with something better.  There were other thoughts, but I'll leave them out of this summary.

Suffice to say, I believe that many Christians today find themselves beset by attacks from all around them; and as the Bible is, sadly, the last book many read when in trouble, it is important for followers of Christ to know that what we believe is true.

I can appreciate the thought that I am attempting an apologetic argument; yet that is not what this is about.  This is about showing people who already believe the Scriptures that those same Inspired Words are without question.  It is about answering the challenges in the simplest possible terms, without getting into areas that require degrees or massive study.  It is about presenting evidence to the Believer that they are right, and that the enemy, through the use of the deceived, is absolutely a liar.

I hope you continue to enjoy the series, and may God bless you.

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